
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Movie Rental Reviews #2

It's about that time again, movie reviews for those looking to rent!

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen-Scifi/Action movie

Being that I am an (early) 80's baby with two brothers, initially being forced into watching the cartoon and eventually liking it. I've been practicing my Transformers sound effects to be prepared for the upcoming rental release of Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen. I've already seen the movie of course and love it but I'm not exactly an unbiased opinion. The truth of the matter is, this is absolutely the kind of movie you should watch on a big screen. I don't think that Meghan Fox had to really act in this movie just run a lot in slow motion but at the same time this is not the kind of movie that needs a great amount of dialogue. It's Transformers, what is needed is great visuals, sound effects, special effects and fight scenes and that is absolutely provided. There weren't too many epic battles but there were still battles none the less.


The lead actors are Steve Zahn who normally plays a supporting role and Jennifer Aniston who tends to have quite a bit of hits and misses and nothing in between. At the beginning of the film, I thought to myself Oh no please don't be like The Good Girl but as much as it seems bleak and the characters initially come off lacking emotion, that's the point. They are stuck and initially feel unemotional towards life and are extremely lonely. When the two lonely people meet, their lives are affected by each other. Considering the nature of the characters and how they previously seem to be affected by nothing, living quite a bleak existence, watching the tone progressively and not magically change makes it a good watch. Although it is not a favorite or a movie that will go down in the classics, it is good but definitely not life changing or for entertainment purposes only. Unlike most movies including Jennifer Aniston, it hits right in the middle!

The Proposal-Romantic Comedy

For once all the funny parts were not in the previews! I unexpectedly laughed a lot in this movie and what was nice is that the two leads, Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock, could actually act. I loved that Betty White was the grandmother in the movie. If you don't know who she is, she was one of the broads on the television series, Golden girls, and is still able to hit her comedy cues with so much ease. There are always predictable parts in romantic comedies and they are usually a good watch when you just feel like shutting off your brain for awhile and kicking back. As much as some parts were predictable, it was more unique than most and made me laugh more than any romantic comedy I have seen in a few years. For all of you men out there who don't particularly like watching these movies (I know a lot who fake their distaste for them but secretly love watching them), if you have to watch one, watch this one.

I love you, man- Comedy

Being a fan of comedies and good comedies very rarely being released lately, this is the best one I've seen in a very long time. This movie is about heterosexual man-crush a.k.a the bromance. Personally, I wasn't affected by how the women were depicted in the movie because there are women in this world who talk shit and although that isn't all of us, there are some and the fact of the matter was, it's about the journey of two guys looking for a real but hilarious buddy to hang out with. Personally, the air guitar moments made me laugh out loud more than once. It's not the kind of movie that you take seriously, it's there to make you laugh and for me it was accomplished.

State Of Play-Thriller

I really enjoyed this movie, it was never boring! Russell Crowe does an amazing job and unexpectedly so does Ben Affleck. For once, I didn't notice that Ben Affleck was trying to act and actually got involved with his character instead. I never like to give too much away in case, you, the reader haven't seen it. I'll just say it's about a reporter, Russell Crowe, and his sidekick, Rachel McAdams, who is chasing a story about a senator, Ben Affleck, who is some how involved in a murder. The plot has twists and turns and is really entertaining to watch it all unfold.

Until next time, this is one n'd Jen signing off!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meet Bloomistry

Hi readers,
I thought I would share one of my new pieces of photography with you. This is from last Saturday's gig of Bloomistry at Raw Sugar in Ottawa,Canada. The band can be found on twitter @Bloomistry. These guys were amazing live and a lot of fun to work for. Now if you decide to copy and paste this photo off of the blog because it's a rare occasion that I did not water mark it or bring the size down, please say that it is by me, Jenifer Lapierre, and who it is (Bloomistry). Word of mouth is a beautiful thing, if you let it be. New photos will be posted soon at
Until next time, this one n'd Jen signing off!

Friday, October 2, 2009


I need some feedback today so please comment.
I'm thinking about self publishing a photography book for about 25.00. Basically, I'm thinking that quite a bit of people love the arts but most of the time their pocketbooks, can't handle purchasing original art. People would be able to purchase the book online and it would mostly consist of my landscapes and Urban work. I have new stuff but I'm not posting it online so that some unseen stuff would be in there.
That's it, I'm just wondering if there would be interest. Now it's your turn, Comment away. Be honest, you think no way then say it! xox
Until next time, this is one n'd Jen signing off!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Love of the Arts

As I listen to, "There's an arc" by Hey Rosetta, ( ) I realize this is one of the things that has never changed about me, my love for music. Although, I can't hold a tune to save my life, I'm not lying, I'd probably make children cry if I had to sing to them. It's not an ability I possess but it is a love of mine, for sure. I think that's what's difficult about being passionate about the arts, the question am I talented and love it or do I just love it? Any of you that are on my twitter know that I am a photographer and may also know that I'm an aspiring writer but my passion for this often conflicts with my finances. I'm not exactly an open book but my desire to do what I love has forced me out of that because the fact of the matter is if I'm not open then how can anyone know or see what I love?
That's the point of this blog to try to gain exposure while putting the word out about other artists. I'm not really young anymore but I'm not old either and so I guess this is it. If it doesn't work then I will not have regrets. Sometimes I feel like talent isn't enough because we all know it helps to have money and contacts. I hope I'm not diluted and imagining I have talent lol, that would suck! Artists if you want to share your story contact me at
If you're a new reader to this blog, it won't always be so bloggy but it will always have my honest opinion whether you feel it is factual or not.
By the way, for all of you google wave invite owners, I love technology so hook a lady up!
Until next time, this one n'd Jen signing off