
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Technology a Wonderful Burden, Television on The Internet, HP Creating Animation

It's a new age where people don't necessarily watch television on a TV anymore, let alone even require a TV to watch our favorite shows. I'm not talking about watching movies or television illegally. I'm talking about how it's not even required to leave your home to watch a movie. Companies are trying to keep up with technology and the individuals seem to be ready to latch on to the new gadget, social network or upgrade. 
Here's my secret I love television but don't have cable. I watch everything on the Internet and now with flat screen monitors sometimes it's better. I get to choose the time during the week that I want to watch my favorite show and that's that. The only thing that isn't so great is that quite a few of the American networks don't allow Canadians to have access to these shows. Don't we still watch the same advertisements and aren't we able to request these networks in our cable packages? So what's up with that?
 If you're a twitter follower of mine you've unfortunately had to deal with the painful feeds about my obsession with Smallville and my nerdy knowledge of the details behind the original Superman and how for instance Clark doesn't have glasses yet with fellow admirer of the show. Anyhow because I can't watch the show on that networks website, I now have to wait to buy the season which I mostly like would have done anyway but wouldn't they make more money off of us Canadians if they just let us watch the show online and watch the advertisements like our fellow Americans?
All you American readers please convince the networks to let us keep up with our favorite television shows via the Internet. You don't really have to go to that extent if your heart desires something less complicated just please don't tell any secrets until we catch up.
For the movie goers who already know such companies that deliver your movie rentals straight to your front door, now you can just download through itunes. Once again Canadians are a little more limited in the selection but the new releases are very up to date. If your lazy and haven't pre-ordered your movie that's an option.
It's unbelievable that not so long ago we were watching one dimensional cartoons and playing pacman on a black and yellow or black and green computer screen and now there's this. This decade has been incredibly revolutionary in terms of entertainment and accessibility. 
I know my blog says Arts,'s the thing this is arts and life, technology has entered our households and studios. 
It's amazing the programs they have for artists now, I saw this program through HP that Dreamworks used to create movies like Kungfu Panda. It's amazing how you can draw and erase right on the monitor. Oh technology how I want to throw you when you have a glitch but how wonderful you are when you work. I don't have the website address with the creating of the animation but if you love art definitely try to find it. That is absolutely on my dream things to own list.
Even with photography people seem to have so many programs that they use with this art. I personally just have the basic one that came with my camera but some people go all out. 
All I have to say is our computers better not crash because most of our prized possessions seem to be looming around in here. 
Even for writers there's screenwriting programs like Final draft to make life easier. I've used it and love it. 
An absolute plus about having such technology in the household is that the whole Internet world can connect and be pen pals of sorts. Being bored or lonely at home is truly non-existent due to the ability to sit in a chair turn on a computer and talk to the person next door or 10,000 miles or kilometres away. In ways it is the best and worst thing that has happened to people because now many individuals don't feel a need to go out and socialize when in reality our typing skills are improving but the real human experience of meeting new people and socializing may at times dwindle from this. There's a generation currently growing up with no knowledge that most people met each other in person originally, played sports outside not staring at a TV screen and chatted with a coffee or drink outside on a patio. We need to remind ourselves that as wonderful as it is, that we need to enjoy the world and all of its complexities without technology sometimes. 
It's insane how many different technologies everyday people have now and although sometimes the complications that come with them can annoy us, they can still be nice to have. It has absolutely affected how we interact with others and what we consider hobbies, how we integrate our passions in everyday life and how we network. We just can't forget that there's a world out there to explore and enjoy that isn't always technology based. That's my technology rant for tonight just thought I should share.
Until next time, this one n'd Jen signing off

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